Middle School
Grades 6-8

Middle school is a time of personal growth and discovery. Students have the skills to nurture their academic strengths and interests, exploring complex ideas in all subject areas. Building on previous knowledge and skills, students can apply higher-level thinking to reach beyond the classroom. They analyze and question the world around them, as they prepare for high-school, college and careers.

Students read and write across a variety of genres in middle school. Students use higher-level critical thinking skills to track theme development, draw conclusions, and make inferences. Teachers facilitate thoughtful discussions around texts and provide students an opportunity to express opinions, ideas, and critiques. Students plan, write, and edit stories, essays, poems, and research papers. With a solid foundation in grammar and usage, students also begin to develop their own unique voice and style. Our teachers model every part of the writing process to set students up for success.

In middle school students engage with mathematics through a problem-based curriculum. Critical thinking skills are developed as students analyze, process, discuss and solve real world and mathematical problems. Students build a strong foundation in both algebraic and geometric understanding. Students learn to apply a variety of strategies and make connections across concepts.

In middle school, a student’s ability to understand their place in society is expanding. Their critical thinking skills are being sharpened and they are learning how to set and articulate their future goals. Through the study of civics, world regions, history, government and economics, students can analyze complex issues that affect their community and the world, and they have better understanding of their role as a citizen.

Building on prior knowledge in elementary school, students dive into a more complex science curriculum. Students not only learn science concepts, but they also explore and apply the science concepts to real-life situations. This instructional method helps to ensure that students are set up for success when they transition to a more rigorous high school science curriculum.

In order to expose students to a well-rounded education, they study art, physical education and keyboarding.

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