Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled a list of the questions most frequently asked by parents considering Williams Academy for their child’s education. If you have other questions, please contact us.
Questions About Charter Schools
What is a charter school?
Charter schools are public schools that provide parents a choice in the education of their children. Public tax dollars are the primary funding sources for charter schools. Local, state, and federal dollars follow the child to a charter school. The schools have open enrollment with no discrimination, no religious associations, and no tuition.
Who can attend a charter school?
Any student who meets the proper age and residency requirements can apply to attend. Students who live in North Carolina are eligible to attend a North Carolina charter school. There are no restrictions about county of residence.
How much does it cost to attend?
North Carolina Public Charter Schools such as Williams Academy are free to attend. They are public schools and funding for the schools comes from federal, state and local taxes.
Are charter schools associated with the local public school system?
No. Charter schools do not operate under the auspices of a local school system. Williams Academy operates independently of the Avery County Public School System.
Is the schedule the same as the local public school system?
A charter school's schedule often differs from the local public school system. A charter school’s board of directors defines the start and end of the school year and the time of the school day. Like all public schools in North Carolina, charter schools must hold classes for 185 days in a school year or 1025 hours.
Do charter schools take the state mandated tests?
Yes. North Carolina Public Charter Schools are held to the same academic standards as traditional public school systems. To that end, all charter schools are required to take the state mandated End-of-Grade and End-of-Course tests.
Are charter school teachers licensed?
Charter schools are given more latitude than conventional public schools in this regard. The state requires 75% of charter school teachers in elementary school to be licensed (certified), while 50% in middle and high school must be licensed. Williams Academy is dedicated to hiring licensed, fully qualified teachers.