Admissions Process

We are honored to have you choose Williams Academy. Williams Academy, like other charter schools in North Carolina, operates as a public school, funded by taxpayer dollars, but with added independence. When demand exceeds available seats, all charter schools must use a lottery system to determine enrollment. Admission to our school is based on the following.


Students must be at least age five by August 31st of the application

Maximum Enrollment

Maximum enrollment is dependent on our facility’s capacity, collectively bargained
class sizes and other factors. Annually, the board will determine and approve the enrollment maximum based on these factors.


Applications for the upcoming school year must be submitted no later than 4:00 on the last Friday in May.


Admission will be granted based on the following preferences:

  • Siblings of currently enrolled students receive first preference on open slots (K-8). Siblings include children within the household wherein the caretakers have legal guardianship.
  • Children of staff receive second preference on remaining open slots (K-8), not to exceed 10% of the total school population.
  • If there are more applicants by the deadline than remaining open slots, a lottery will be held.

Lottery Process

  • If there are more applications by the deadline than remaining open slots, a lottery will be held.
  • On the first Monday in June, a computer program will be used to randomly assign collected applications to open slots. Remaining applications will be added to a waitlist in the order in which they were “drawn” by the computer program.
  • The guardian who submitted the application will be notified by email about the status of the application after the lottery has been conducted.
  • Once the guardian has been notified that their child has been offered an open slot, he/she has 5 business days to confirm acceptance of the slot. Once the deadline passes, the open slot will be offered to the next application on the waitlist.
  • Click here to see our complete Admissions Policy and Lottery Process.

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